New Owner, 70' Fasty

Fastback, Squareback, Notchback, T-3 Karmann Ghia.

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:45 pm

Replacement signal switch arrived yesterday finally had time to pull it out and work on it today. The switch had 3 additional wires that I did not need and the plastic housing was somewhat different so it had to be "adjusted" with a dremel tool to remove excess pieces and to put slots in for the wire chase.

Once I had the chase fitted to the switch I simply swapped wires over one at a time by directly soldering bare wire to bare wire, followed by heat shrink. Time consuming but not the end of the world, actually worked out better than I anticipated
InProcess Wire Change Signal.jpg
InProcess Wire Change Signal.jpg (1.64 MiB) Viewed 3307 times
Final Wiring Switch Signal.jpg
Final Wiring Switch Signal.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 3307 times
In order to fit it into the column the outer plastic radius of the signal had to be filed down to fit into the housing, the overall quality of the Chinese part was not impressive, cheapened up in every way possible. For $30 including shipping I couldn't expect much more.

Here is the finalized signal switch slid into the column. Again, not sure what to expect with regards to life of but better than the one I had (which I have kept, just in case).
Finished Signal.jpg
Finished Signal.jpg (1.63 MiB) Viewed 3307 times
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
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1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:47 pm

Anyone have any thoughts on my earlier post about the rear view mirror? I gave it a try again today with no luck.

1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:43 pm

After installing the new signal switch I still struggled with getting the blinkers to actually work. After crawling under and then up into the abyss under the dash it was to understand the cause. The flasher relay had been mounted so that the rear faced upwards which in the case of an original relay is where the circuit board soldering is. Suffice it to say that with the amount of rust this car had, water infringed on its space, much of the solder was peeling up or missing.

Strangely enough this Dec. 1970 car was wired to the 1971 specs., i.e. a 3 spade relay vs. the 7 that is on the 1970 wiring diagram. Since the wiring matched and appeared to be original I assume it was a mid year change. Regardless, bought an inexpensive 3 pin relay from NAPA, figured out how to wire it then had the pleasure of watching the signal lights work.. then not work... then work, aaaahhhhggg (the Emergency Flasher didn't work at all). So back to the wiring diagrams and onto the emergency flasher switch, fortunately turned out to be another easy fix.

When I pulled the Emergency Switch it came out in two pieces, fortunately it was in great shape. I put it back together, cable tired it, reinstalled and like magic everything worked, signal lights and emergency flashers. The only other challenge is that the indicator lights in the speedometer worked fine for the blinker lights but not at all when the emergency flashers are on. Seems like they flash in the other VWs I have, hmmm? Oh well a small concern in the big picture.

I also tested the high/low beam switch, another win, although I did have to adjust the contact on the signal switch slightly. The steering column is all reassembled and everything works properly, can't test the horn as of yet, don't have one. Also can't find my original horn mount, another part lost to the universe.
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:23 am

Progress continues with front and rear bumpers temporarily mounted to make sure everything fits up properly. The structure that goes behind the front bumper was challenging to fully insert, some aftereffects of the accident that it was obviously in. The round tubes do not fit their holes properly and jam up against the frame at the rear. The rear bumper slid in with no problems and bolts went in easily (after chasing the threads).

These bumpers are the ones I purchased that are manufactured in Vietnam, they are of good quality and unlike the ones on my Super Beetle Convertible the holes did not need to be re-drilled. Note that the drivers side bumper is not fully tightened as of yet as the alignment needed additional work. The gaps between the front fenders and doors have been inconsistent, still trying to work this out as the interface between the bumper, the front fender, and door is challenging to say the least. I have to admit to dinging some paint along the way but am getting closer to the fit I desire.

Next steps are inserting the fender welts so that they can be permanently positioned and tightened, followed by the interior. Then I will start the tedious process of wet sanding as I have some dirt, orange peel and drips to deal with. Another first for me. Still trying to be ready for the Type 3 event in Ticonderoga as it is only a couple of hours away.
Rear Bumper.jpg
Rear Bumper.jpg (619.49 KiB) Viewed 3164 times
Front Bumper.jpg
Front Bumper.jpg (2.37 MiB) Viewed 3164 times
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by Amskeptic » Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:58 am

Now on to the rear view mirror, HELP! The very same mirror I pulled out when I ripped the headliner out (literally) refuses to go back into its slot. I have smacked, rocked and rubber malleted with no luck, even after adding a dab of lubrication. I have hit this as hard as I dare and yet can't get it to seat. If anyone knows tricks of the trade with regards to this please let me know as this should have been easy!
Inspect the opening and see if you have inadvertently bent the edges of the hole. VW had to get tricky with the engineering here so that it would break-away under impact. There are some ramps that must remain ramped. Look at the mirror end and you will see a "hook" at the rear and two sort of "blades" at the front. The hook comes up on a spring-loaded "roll pin" that needs its own application of silicone grease. The second that any of this gets bent, nothing works.
Once straightened out, I stick the blades in the hole and do a little side-to-side rotational movement as I look where the hook has to get around the spring-loaded roll pin. A press up and you hear it thonk into place.
Let me know,
BobD - 78 Bus . . . 112,730 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . 217,593 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . 142,970 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . . . . . 55,600 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . . 96,675 miles

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:45 am

This is what I am working with, nothing appears to be bent or out of sorts. Either I can't get the leverage I need or I am taking the wrong approach but I've tried twice since your response with no luck. Thankfully I have plenty of other things to work on, but would like to get this task completed. Who would have thought that this somewhat simple task would be driving me up the wall.

Also I have looked at one other picture on the samba and mine is in the same condition, that person was able to rotate it into position. My one concern is that the black plastic around the mirror itself is a little fragile from UV degradation so I am trying to be gentle.

So am I supposed to hook the rear first then rotate towards the front glass, or vice versa?
rearviewmirror3.jpg (1.32 MiB) Viewed 2931 times
rearviewmirror2.jpg (1.14 MiB) Viewed 2931 times
rearviewmirror.jpg (1.57 MiB) Viewed 2931 times
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by Amskeptic » Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:50 am

Your is different than what I was envisioning. You do have the spring-loaded pin, and yes to bringing it up sideways and rotating into position.
BobD - 78 Bus . . . 112,730 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . 217,593 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . 142,970 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . . . . . 55,600 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . . 96,675 miles

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Mon May 06, 2024 12:19 pm

While I am waiting on other things (battery replacement for one), I decided it was time to attack the mounted speaker (I believe original) that had disintegrated to the point of no sound. I had been putting this off because I had heard that it was a nightmare to get to the speaker based on the workings between the low access point and top of dash.

I am hear to bear witness that this is not the case, after 15 mins the speaker was out and measured and a replacement ordered. While it was indeed awkward to get my, lets just say, large body in the right position once in place it was simple:

1. Remove the knobs, nuts, face-plate, power wire (at fuse ) and antenna from the radio. Speaker wires stay attached to speaker for now, can't reach them as of yet.

2. Remove the cowling, 2 screws. Access holes provided in cowling. Remove front radio mount and slide radio out of way.

3. Remove the ash tray and ash tray support.

4. Remove speaker, detach speaker wires. Done!

Hopefully reverse order will be easy. Next I need to reconnect the windshield spritzer hoses as the PO had spliced in, at some point, a electrical pump of some sort that had subsequently been removed. The good news is all the hoses are still where they are supposed to be so shouldn't be a problem.
Under Dash Speaker Location.jpg
Under Dash Speaker Location.jpg (1.28 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
Parts Removed to Get To Speaker.jpg
Parts Removed to Get To Speaker.jpg (2.31 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
Speaker Bottom View.jpg
Speaker Bottom View.jpg (2.53 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
Speaker Length .jpg
Speaker Length .jpg (2.79 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
speaker width.jpg
speaker width.jpg (2.54 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
speaker mounting dimensions.jpg
speaker mounting dimensions.jpg (2.69 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
Speaker Mounting Dim Width.jpg
Speaker Mounting Dim Width.jpg (2.36 MiB) Viewed 1937 times
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue May 07, 2024 3:48 am

After a failed, in-depth search for a 4 x 8 mono speaker replacement I ended up purchasing a 4 x 6 which should fit up fine as the 8 inch speaker was longer than the perforations in the dash. I realize that I should replace the original radio with something that will produce stereo, include Bluetooth, etc.. , but couldn't bring myself to do it, especially since the Sapphire XII works fine.

If this car ends up in FL, there are plenty of stations to choose from, unlike the Catskills where stations, both AM and FM, are disappearing seemingly daily along with the population. Hand in hand I suppose.

The clock, which was working, no longer works so I need to pull that at some point and see if it is repairable. Time is the issue...
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Thu May 09, 2024 5:16 am

Speaker installed last night, didn't even require a drill to add new holes. I purchased a Boss 4 x 6 replacement speaker for $14, we'll see how it holds up. Also noted that one of my new LED headlights has lost the high beam, will check wiring then move on from there.

Back to the engine at some point today as I would like to work out the kinks in the FI system and get her running consistently before going out on the road for the first time.
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Fri May 10, 2024 12:54 pm

Today I started working on the engine, again! It has been almost 2 years since it last ran and even then it was rough and didn't run long. This morning it wouldn't even start, didn't even give me the courtesy of a cough. So I pulled the air cleaner out of the way and started with the electric; coil spark to the distributor cap, good, spark to each plug, good, power to each injector, good, on to the fuel system.

Pulled the passenger side injectors and tested for the "squirt", nope, wait what? So I moved back to the connector on the distributor body to see if the plug wasn't fully inserted, it was, not the issue. I pulled the plug entirely and got a face full of fuel from the #2 injector, what the, then reinserted and removed again and the #1 injector fired. After thinking about why for a while it made sense as I was essentially collapsing the field which fired the first set and then alternated. Based on this assumed that I had an issue with the injection triggers, pulled the distributor and found that there was sticky goo on the distrib. shaft and a lot of crap around the trigger points, how in the world did that happen...?

Cleaned everything up, added a small dab of synthetic grease to the contact area and reinstalled, hoping it was the culprit. It was indeed, fired up immediately with a push of the remote button. The idle was low (barely able to run) so adjusted the idle screw slightly and it purred like a kitten, or rather a happy Fastback!

This has been a long time coming, as soon as the sun comes out again (not sure when) will go out for a drive and see what other challenges may come up, maybe none? No, always something to do on a VW. With the Type 3 Invasion coming to Ft. Ticonderoga in late June I am hopeful we will be ready as I still have some paint work to do.
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by Amskeptic » Tue May 14, 2024 11:51 am

wdollie6 wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 12:54 pm
Pulled the passenger side injectors and tested for the "squirt", nope, wait what? So I moved back to the connector on the distributor body to see if the plug wasn't fully inserted, it was, not the issue. I pulled the plug entirely and got a face full of fuel from the #2 injector, what the, then reinserted and removed again and the #1 injector fired. After thinking about why for a while it made sense as I was essentially collapsing the field which fired the first set and then alternated. Based on this assumed that I had an issue with the injection triggers, pulled the distributor and found that there was sticky goo on the distrib. shaft and a lot of crap around the trigger points, how in the world did that happen...?

Cleaned everything up, added a small dab of synthetic grease to the contact area and reinstalled, hoping it was the culprit. It was indeed, fired up immediately with a push of the remote button. The idle was low (barely able to run) so adjusted the idle screw slightly and it purred like a kitten, or rather a happy Fastback!

This has been a long time coming, as soon as the sun comes out again (not sure when) will go out for a drive and see what other challenges may come up, maybe none? No, always something to do on a VW. With the Type 3 Invasion coming to Ft. Ticonderoga in late June I am hopeful we will be ready as I still have some paint work to do.

Nice job! You are about to graduate from Journeyman to Master Craftsman. How's the mirror?

The trick with the turn indicator dash bulb vs the emergency flasher is to remember that the bulb is positive on the outside, the socket, and the ground path is through the wire. In each case, the turn indicator or the emergency flasher switch are providing a ground path that is merely interrupted at the flasher relay by a bimetal.
this Dec. 1970 car was wired to the 1971 specs
Because it is a 1971 Fastback.
They always switched over in August ...
BobD - 78 Bus . . . 112,730 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . 217,593 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . 142,970 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . . . . . 55,600 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . . 96,675 miles

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue May 14, 2024 1:28 pm

Sorry, should have said December of 1969 which is what is stated on the serial plate on the door. I remember the August cut off dates, had to deal with that with the Super Beetle Convertible. All is good now, lights work everywhere, other than a slight error in wiring the headlight plugs. Had put the low beam wire where the high beam was supposed to be. High beam light worked fine when lights were dimmed, doh...

Now need to figure out my generator light on the dashboard, will not come on. I wonder if putting an LED bulb in there has some impact? Will back track and make sure all is good with the wiring.
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue May 14, 2024 1:30 pm

Also engine now starts nicely but immediately surges to high RPMs, then dies if you don't hit the accelerator. When it warms up a bit it will idle but then surges again but drops back to idle eventually, although last time I ran it it never dropped down to idle. Thoughts?
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Post by wdollie6 » Tue May 14, 2024 1:34 pm

.... and no the mirror is still not installed, have attempted multiple times to the point of frustration, then move on to some other project to avoid damage :angryfire: .
1972 Superbeetle Convertible
1972 Westy Bus
1972 Beetle
1970 Fastback
1966 6V Beetle with Sunroof

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