Non-Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

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Re: Non-Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

Post by airkooledchris » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:04 pm

Happy to see this one pop back up to the top. I had missed this report back in 2012.

Brake fluid does not taste good by the way.
1979 California Transporter

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Re: Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

Post by Amskeptic » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:28 am

airkooledchris wrote:Happy to see this one pop back up to the top. I had missed this report back in 2012.

Brake fluid does not taste good by the way.
You develop a taste for it over time . . .

So, the master cylinder repair is still holding some 25,000 miles later.
Here's to Yer An Idiot Idiot's Luck.
BobD - 78 Bus . . . . . . . . .115,063 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . . . . . . 219,045 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . . . 185,060 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . 55,630 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . 99,705 miles

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Re: Non-Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

Post by skip » Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:44 am

That's a great idea Kit, maybe magnetic so it could be transferred between vehicles and reflective or safety orange. :salute:
Complexity is the enemy of reliability.

76 Westfalia
74 Type 181

RinTinTin in Waldorf Astoria 1956

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Re: Non-Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

Post by Amskeptic » Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:37 am

Kit Whistler wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:52 am
Colin. Belk’s parking lot simply doesn’t deserve you.

Also—I am now, officially, going to tell every nosy cop and security man that sidles over in the midst of a breakdown that Sunshine’s disabled. An IAC phrase. Thought: Maybe, once yer “shop” gets rolling, you should design a compact, roll-out sign that’s pretty and that say “Disabled Bus. Repair in Progress.” Or somethin’ like that. I’d sure as hell buy one. It’d get good use too!

The pleasure of sizing up each unique situation requires the ultimate in ambiguity. Therefore, I prefer to let the hapless observer come to me ablaze with curiosity, indignation, or whatever else they choose to bring to the party.
(p.s. the master cylinder is plugging along yet)
BobD - 78 Bus . . . . . . . . .115,063 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . . . . . . 219,045 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . . . 185,060 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . 55,630 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . 99,705 miles

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Re: Non-Itinerant Greetings From Valdosta

Post by Amskeptic » Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:43 am

Almost forgot .... Chloe's master cylinder rebuild is *still* fine at 219,043 miles as of November 4, 2024.
11 GA 08.jpg
11 GA 08.jpg (2.06 MiB) Viewed 4460 times
BobD - 78 Bus . . . . . . . . .115,063 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . . . . . . 219,045 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . . . 185,060 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . 55,630 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . 99,705 miles

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