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Fall Finnon Fest - September 24th, 25th 2010 (California)

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:00 am
by static
Buses, friends, red wine, campfire, kerosene lanterns, camping, excellent fishing, flush toilets, etc.

What's not to like?

Good cafe on site for those who prefer not to cook; Wi-Fi too.

$15 per bus should cover the fees. All moneys benefit the local VFD.
If your bus ain't runnin' then just come in any vehicle you got, no excuses, OK?


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:38 am
by hambone
I like everything but the flush terlets and disky golf. :blackeye:
What about a backwoods camp some day? Dangle th' carrot on th' stick. Eh mebbe we're crazy up here. :pirate: