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Deschutes River RendezVW "share gift"

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:51 am
by deschutestrout
This year, GoWesty, our largest supporter of the annual Deschutes River RendezVW, donated a beautiful book on travelling with VW buses. Rather than just "give" this away to be read and then forever stored on someone's shelf, I thought it would be fun to use this as a "share gift" to be enjoyed by a bunch of yous. First recipient was Zblair and Jeffrey. They will read and enjoy all the cool pictures, write a note in the book, then pass it on to another IAC member somewhere in the world to enjoy and do the same.

So, many of you may receive a surprise PM from the current book holder asking for your mailing address. Z, if you need suggestions (and, I have MANY addresses from RendezVW registration forms if you just want to surprise someone), let me know.

It would be fun to keep track of where this book is, and I'd like to eventually get it back to read all the fun notes and send it back to Taylor at GoWesty to add his own note...he thought this "share gift" was a GREAT idea.

Looking forward to tracking this gift! Thanks all, Mark

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:55 am
by Westy78
I like that idea Mark. What would make it even cooler would be if there were photos of camping spots or landmarks where the book was taken, with the book in the photo, to go along with the note. Like a traveling VW diary.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:10 pm
by zblair
Perfect timing Mark! We have stuff in there about the Austin BATS! And Phred! YES! PM or email me! :compress:

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:20 am
by deschutestrout
Hey Z! Just curious...what's the current location of the book? Wantin' to track this thang, ya know :geek:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:37 am
by hambone
Yeah Z. :geek:

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:41 pm
by Bleyseng
yes, great idea! :cheers:

I can't wait to it to come to Suriname so I can read it while swinging from my hammock by the river.