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Another floor repair thread!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:52 pm
by NWbuspilot
I decided to get a little more in depth with my rust repair when I peeled back the mats in the cab and saw the condition of my floors. I used the Klean-Strip converter from Wally World that was about $5 or so. I still have the driver's side floorboard to do, but I'm waiting until I get my regular driver back to do that section, as I am driving the bus daily for the next week or so, and the converter needs 24 hours to set.

Here's the driver's side, and about what the rest of the repaired sections started out looking like:


The repaired passenger floor:


and the repair in the rear cargo area- this picture is before the converter is set, about 20 minutes after being applied-
