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411 Fastback Eating Generators

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:08 am
by sad_rocc
In the past year, my '71 F.I. fastback has gone through 3 generators. I replaced the original which had been there for who knows how long and the voltage regulator. 9 months later, the generator stopped putting out power. Got it replaced under warranty and now a mere 2 months later, it's dead again. I replaced the fan belt and when starting from a stop or downshifting, particularly when it was colder out, I would get a squeal for a few seconds. It didn't really sound like a slipping belt, but I figured it was because the new belt was new and kinda cheap. Now, I have a feeling it was a bearing or something in the generator as the squealing is gone but the generator light is lit.

Do I have another bad reman? Could it be from over-tightening the pulley wheel when the generator got replaced? As this car is my DD and it took 3 weeks to get a replacement generator last time, I'm about ready to put the car on Craigslist for sale. My mechanic and I have joint custody it seems.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:08 am
by RSorak 71Westy
Find a local rebuilder/armature shop and get it rebuilt there, the large rebuilder's quality is sometimes dismal as you're finding out.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:08 am
by sad_rocc
I didn't even know there was such a thing. Is it something that I'm likely to find locally? I live in a decent sized city. The 1st warrantied generator was a non-bosch reman but this one was bosch so I had higher hopes for it.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:14 am
by dtrumbo
Search "auto electric" in your local online yellow pages, etc.

Don't stop there, however. Do some research and get referrals from folks you trust. I just had a bad experience with getting the starter for my Chevy truck rebuilt at my local shop. :pale:

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:01 pm
by sad_rocc
Ok cool, I'll start asking around. Ballpark price? It's looking like the car is getting parked for the winter pretty soon, so I may end up going through the warranty process again since I'll have the time.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:13 pm
by dtrumbo
Just my two cents, but don't get the failed re-man rebuilt. Claim the warranty as you've suggested and then, in your spare time, find an original generator at the junk yard or in the classifieds. Get THAT one rebuilt. That way you know what it is, where it came from and what has been done to it since.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:57 am
by sad_rocc
I most likely won't. Between the generator and the expensive and rare inner LH tie rod end, the car is going into the garage for the winter. My girlfriend is looking at a car tonight, if she buys it then I get her old car. Otherwise it's winter beater shopping time. Oh joy.

Between the brutality of Albany roads, the age of the car and my desire to preserve it, the total lack of heat and the inability to fit 2 snowboards and 2 people in the Fasty means it's going to be hanging out till spring. I'm debating on just fixing the generator and putting it up for sale or fixing both parts and either selling it in the spring or keeping it and slowly fixing it up. Leaning toward sale one way or another but we'll see, I really really don't want to sell it.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:26 am
by Amskeptic
sad_rocc wrote:I really really don't want to sell it.
Don't. Sell. It. These are unique cars. Take a rest. Enjoy your 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo rustywinterbeater with the wired-up rear bumper but excellent heat that can't go above 60 without a shimmy.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:43 am
by sad_rocc
Yeah I know, I really love the car, and I still regret selling my '81 Scirocco a few years ago. Just a lot of family pressure ("You can't afford 1 car, what the hell are you doing considering getting a 2nd money pit?") and a constantly growing "to do" list on the car. Ideally it is something that I will keep for many years and slowly, very slowly, bring back to the glory it deserves.

I'm considering setting up a forum and creating a local aircooled club in hopes of connecting with area a/c folks. I see a lot of a/c cars in the area but can never find their owners. Some other area enthusiasts to renew my enthusiasm will help as being totally unskilled and going it alone is just no fun.