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72 Super Beetle

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:57 pm
by wdollie6
A question for those Super Beetle, Convertible owners, does anyone have dimensions on the vent window bushing,
P/N 151-837-631B? I have called the normal suppliers with no luck, although West Coast Metric at least lists them. Unfortunately they indicated they haven't had stock since January of 2020, apparently German supplier has not produced or is no longer supplying.

Several years ago in FL Colin and I attempted to correct the issue with my front vent windows without success, however I didn't realize that a bushing was required or even existed for this location. The problem is that every time you open one of the vents it essentially falls out as the screw in pins at the top pivot are not long enough to engage, this bushing apparently solves that problem (at least it would appear to).

Again, if anyone knows the dimensions, or better yet where to purchase I would be grateful. Having these vents in operating condition would be helpful.
Bushing, Vent Window.jpg
Bushing, Vent Window.jpg (2.46 MiB) Viewed 7442 times

Re: 72 Super Beetle

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:59 pm
by Amskeptic
Make one. Fabricate, whittle, dremel, look for plastic tubing, harass Home Depot, you get the inner diameter close, because you can't modify that, but you can make a shouldered outside.
Or you can find a supplier of the originals .... !

Re: 72 Super Beetle

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:08 am
by wdollie6
Yes sir, that's my next step if I can't find from a supplier. After contacting Chuck's Convertible, with no luck, I found a kit on J-Bugs for $80 that includes the chrome piece the pins and the "spacers". Since I already have an extra set not going this direction, however will call them and see if they will sell the bushings separately, the good news it appears they have them in stock. If this doesn't work then it is time to be creative. I also found a supplier in Europe who has them in stock, Hoffman, but can't get them to ship to the USA so no dice.

If necessary my plan is to measure the pin size(assume that is a snug fit), compare to photo, then scale for the other dimensions, we shall see. Hopefully won't be necessary.

Disappointed that I didn't know these parts existed, more disappointed that apparently they are no longer available. Assume that will be the case with many after market parts going forward.

Re: 72 Super Beetle

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:31 am
by skip
Check out McMaster Carr for hardware.

Re: 72 Super Beetle

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:49 am
by wdollie6
Skip, thanks for the info, didn't think about McMaster Carr. I did go to Ace Hardware and found something close that I could use, modified to fit and the bushing issue is no longer. Unfortunately the other issue I had was that the chrome pieces would not stay in place on the glass even after using adhesive. So I did what Colin suggested, got creative.

After looking around I realized I had some old seal material from the rebuild:
Window Seal.jpg
Window Seal.jpg (2.03 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Measured and adapted this seal material for use with the chrome piece:
Vent Window Seal Adaptation.jpg
Vent Window Seal Adaptation.jpg (1.92 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Vent Window Seal.jpg
Vent Window Seal.jpg (1.69 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Added some 3M adhesive and adhered to window (note this is my first attempt, second attempt I trimmed the raised edges off the seal, see picture above) NOTE THAT THAT TO ENGAGE THE PIN THE SEAL AND CHROME MUST BE LOCATED PROPERLY ON THE GLASS, MEASURE/FIT/LOCATE TWICE, ADHERE ONCE:
Adapted Seal Adhered to Window.jpg
Adapted Seal Adhered to Window.jpg (1.34 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
After adhesive set I added the chrome trim but found out that in addition to using adhesive I had to pressure fit the chrome pieces (for some reason the "new"ones are oversized). Do this very carefully, protect the chrome and the glass, after adhesive sets check to make sure piece is locked in :
Water Pump Pressure Fit.jpg
Water Pump Pressure Fit.jpg (1.83 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Water Pump Pressure 2.jpg
Water Pump Pressure 2.jpg (1.59 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Trim the edges and remove adhesive from glass area and you are all set:
Completed Vent Window.jpg
Completed Vent Window.jpg (1.56 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Completed Vent Window 2.jpg
Completed Vent Window 2.jpg (1.55 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
Completed Vent Window 3.jpg
Completed Vent Window 3.jpg (1.66 MiB) Viewed 7400 times
The one issue remaining is that the vertical chromed piece between the window and the vent window is bent slightly (don't recall that from the rebuild) which doesn't allow the wing vent to close all the way. I attempted to straighten this with 2x4s and clamps (my wife even helped) but couldn't get it to move. Will have to consider other alternatives.
Bent Chome Steel Vertical.jpg
Bent Chome Steel Vertical.jpg (1.15 MiB) Viewed 7400 times