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Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:37 am
by Amskeptic
Steve Bannon
October 31, 2020, private audience

"Trump will 'win' in 2020 simply by declaring he won, even if he didn’t."

"Trump knew that Democratic mail in ballots would show up in the vote totals later than Republican votes cast on election day, and Trump’s going to take advantage of it.
That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner…. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. You’re going to have antifa, crazy. The media, crazy. The courts are crazy. And Trump’s gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting sh*t out: ‘You lose. I’m the winner. I’m the king.'

“Here’s the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again…. He’s gonna say ‘F*ck you. How about that?’ Because…he’s done his last election. Oh, he’s going to be off the chain—he’s gonna be crazy.”

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:17 pm
by sgkent
no one cares anymore because they know the party is over

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:49 am
by 72Hardtop
Our country has had it's fair share of civil unrest, violence against government over the last 240 plus years. It's what has defined us. Lest we forget out founding fore fathers were even kind enough to include the 2nd amendment. Freedom will always have a price.

Joe Biden did not win the election without the help of 2000 Mules. It was proven.

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 10:34 pm
by sgkent
we are unhinged as a society.

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:16 pm
by sgkent
so it is now August 10th. The Banana Republic is doing better at consolidating its authoritarian rule. It added 87,000 IRS agents, Simply put, 164,000,000 workers, 150,000 total tax auditors doing one audit a week, one in 20 will be audited. If they do four audits a week, then one in 5 will be audited. And the cool part is another trillion dollars has been funneled to the 1%, who will not share it with you. Inflation is still between 8% and 9%. The Banana Republic is now chasing a former president over a missing paper clip, or maybe staple, although I read somewhere it was a napkin he kept with the names of those guilty of being with Epstein in Pedophilialand, I can't remember which. Be careful what you wish for.

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:04 am
by Amskeptic
Joe Biden did not win the election without the help of 2000 Mules. It was proven.
Dinesh D’Souza (“2000 Mules”) was convicted of election fraud.
“2000 Mules” does not provide any concrete, verifiable evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Arguments abound of course, but I am a patriotic well-informed American who has followed the scurrilous attempts to undermine our Democracy at every turn.

I agree with the findings of 62 court cases all across this country that did not find widespread fraud. If there is a line in the sand to be drawn, it is this.

I have no patience left for the friggen idiots who are attempting to tear this country apart to support a bloated criminal narcissist who is up to his neck in serious legal trouble. These morons are hyper-ventilating about Hunter Biden, yet breeze over Jared Kuschner's sweetheart 2 billion dollar deal with the Saudis *forged while representing us as an agent of our government*, and Trump's newly announced deal with the Saudis for 3.5 billion dollars *forged while in office*.

Additionally, the MAGAt morons (full of invective and vitriol against the institutions of our government) continue to attempt to tear down the January 6th Commission with ridiculous declarations of "partisanship" blindly unable to discern that the commission's findings have all been delivered *from the mouths of republicans who were there*. They just don't get it. They cannot see/hear Steve Bannon's clear-as-day announcement of what those traitorous idiots were up to. It is on video. It spells out the Big Lie. Yet .... they refuse to acknowledge.

We have been here before. We have been here before. We were here in the lead-up to the Civil War, we were here during the McCarthy Hearings, in the lead-up to the Civil Rights Act, we have a problem with stupid people charged up with ignorant grievance carrying water for the uber-wealthy who like the status-quo because they are on top. It was these dark money interests that financed the mining riots at the turn of the 20th Century, the resistance to Occupy Wall Street, that financed the Tea Party, that financed a bunch of meatheads to stir trouble during the summer protests against police brutality, and these dark money interests financed the campaigns of imbeciles who do not belong in government, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Betsy DeVos (a friend of my family said she was the damn stupidest person he ever had to deal with), Herschel Walker, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Ken Paxton, the dregs of idiocy.

We are better than this ... if you want to call "2000 Mules" some sort of definitive proof of election fraud, well, you are only as credible as your "sources".

Philip Bump of the Washington Post learned that the dots purporting to be drop box locations in 2000 Mules did not match up with actual drop box locations. And he called Dinesh on it.
Dinesh responded via email that “the movie graphics are not literal interpretations of our data.” Well WTF?

Sure, and Tucker Carlson and Sidney Powell and Laura Ingraham and Alex Jones ALL told judges only when under the threat of perjury, that "“no reasonable person would conclude that [] statements were truly statements of fact.” But they screamed their nonsense night after night in the public common. And Tucker Carlson, that dandy little bowtie nancy boy, claimed that Fox News is just an "entertainment company", his legal team argued that his comments “cannot reasonably be interpreted as facts”.

We shall see how Dominion's billion dollar lawsuits tighten up their egregiously false and inflammatory language, shant we? Damn. I really have lost my patience.

Re: Yes, The Big Lie

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:11 am
by Amskeptic
sgkent wrote:The Banana Republic is doing better at consolidating its authoritarian rule. It added 87,000 IRS agents, Simply put, 164,000,000 workers, 150,000 total tax auditors doing one audit a week, one in 20 will be audited. If they do four audits a week, then one in 5 will be audited. And the cool part is another trillion dollars has been funneled to the 1%, who will not share it with you.
54,000 of the 87,000 additional agents are to regain what the IRS has lost due to budget cuts over the past couple of decades. Repopulating the IRS is to improve *compliance* with the current tax laws. Those who are least compliant are the uber-wealthy. The cost of restoring the IRS to its former level has been estimated to yield a return of 800% in revenue otherwise lost.

sgkent wrote: Inflation is still between 8% and 9%. The Banana Republic is now chasing a former president over a missing paper clip, or maybe staple, although I read somewhere it was a napkin he kept with the names of those guilty of being with Epstein in Pedophilialand, I can't remember which. Be careful what you wish for.
Well, if you see top secret documents stored at Mar a Lago as "paper clips", I truly do not know what to say.