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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:29 pm
by hambone
Me too! Hopefully before the year is up.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:45 pm
by IFBwax
Don't look now, but weather is shaping up to be effing AWESOME for this trip!!!!!!

Woo hoo.. I can't wait.

Should I bring a tritip for one of the days? It should feed about 4 to 6 depending on how hungry folks are...

Or should we do a potluck one night???

I'm there on Sunday remember... thru maybe Wednesday if I catch the wifey in a good mood!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:51 pm
by Westy78
I don't want to say that the weather is going to be awesome out loud for fear that will jinx us. Lets hope that it will be as nice that far north as the forecast says for PDX next week. I've got me fingers crossed.

I'm thinking a potluck at least for one of the nights will be in order. I'm going to bring my dutch oven to make some hobo stew in. Basically whatever meat, veggies and spices you want to throw in. Should make more than enough for more than one night. I'm sure we can pool the food resources for the other nights as well. It's always nice to have a variety. I always end up eating better camping than I do at home. Tritip sounds mighty tasty.

Wayne, tell Michele to let you have a couple extra days as a personal favor to me. I'm sure that'll work right? :joker:

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:38 am
by hambone
UGH do the wives wear the pants EVERYWHERE these days?!?!? Yes.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:39 am
by spiffy
I'll go ahead and continue the forecast looks GOOD up here. Maybe mid 70's all weekend.... :cheers:

t-minus 3 days and counting....

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:11 am
by Gypsie
hambone wrote:UGH do the wives wear the pants EVERYWHERE these days?!?!? Yes.
uh....gals have been wearin' pants for some time now, Hammie.

I will check on beer and p'raps collect there.

I am looking forward to this one too. New rig now has a new tune box where there was none before.
seems to be packed away nicely. lots of space for funstuff and firewood.

Sorry you aren't going Bob, I was hoping for a copilot and a great 'scuse for shootin' straight to the ferry landing.

Spiffy, PM me with yer address so I can plan my attack.

Dutch oven pear crisp anyone??? Dutch oven cook off, Gentlemen...Start yer Briquettes.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:17 am
by hambone
Yeah I hope you know it's nutthin' against you guys I'm just not up for this one. All I can swing are local trips right now due to $$$$.

THE pants. not just pants.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:42 pm
by susan
anybody into corn on the cob?

if so the exit b4 mt vernon (for laconner) across from the shell station is truly excellent corn from a truck. 6/a buck. i got a bunch today and am going to blanch some. but if anybody stops on saturday or friday it would be fresh.

i also have my dutch oven with me and big cast grill and some briquets and i am going to load up on firewood.

cheap gas is at the arco when you get off i-5 or at the indian casino on the way. right now they are only about 2 cents apart. arco went up 4 cents during today when i went and came. or costco was cheapest at 2.65 yesterday morning off george hopper road. you can see it from the freeway and it si the exit before the one you need on i5.


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:56 pm
by Westy78
Gypsie wrote: Spiffy, PM me with yer address so I can plan my attack.
Me too. When are you planning on heading out of town Gypsie?

Ooh, some fresh corn on the cob with Waynes tritip. =P~ Will they be open when we come through early Saturday morning though?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:58 pm
by IFBwax
I'll try to hit it if I'm not too late for the ferry. Any word on that mini keg?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:26 pm
by susan
re corn

got a msg from wayne and he will try to stop for corn on sunday on his way up.

otherwise i don't know what time they open.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:28 pm
by spiffy
Well, we are probably going to be right at the height limit or a touch over and the tandem kayak doesn't fit in the bus SOOOO we are bringing no matter what. And please feel free to take a spin on it while we are there, not too often you find a kayak that you can paddle and drink beer at the same time....

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:30 pm
by IFBwax
spiffy wrote:Well, we are probably going to be right at the height limit or a touch over and the tandem kayak doesn't fit in the bus SOOOO we are bringing no matter what. And please feel free to take a spin on it while we are there, not too often you find a kayak that you can paddle and drink beer at the same time....
What's this height limit you speak of? I think my bus is about 6-6 or so?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:33 pm
by spiffy
7' 6"

Is the height limit before you basically have to pay double. We may have to let some air out of our tires :geek:

Or find 10 clowns to hop in the bus to drop it down...

OR I know what!! I'll slam my bus!! I finally have the answer! :pukeleft:

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:37 pm
by IFBwax
Oh, don't sweat it... the only way a bus won't make that is if they have the pop top up. (or a kayak on the roof).