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My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:51 am
by locoqueso


My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell is available and as charming as the pics are, she's even more amazing in person.
$19,500. christine currie, Santa Cruz CA
831-239-0654 . christine[at]

I should hope so since you stole a picture of my lovely 1978 vw bus Wilson for your scammer ad! It didn't take much effort to Google "vw campmobile" for the original. Your awesome Photoshop skills almost fooled me.


Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:56 am
by jonyem
Wonder what the real thing looks like.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:21 pm
by locoqueso
I’m not sure but no doubt it’s amazing. I do appreciate the generous $19,500 appraisal on mine.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:39 pm
by Westy78
I'd sure leave a message in the "comment on this ad" button. That and contact someone at GoWesty.

I sent them an email to see what they would say.


I’m interested in the ‘78 Westy you have posted for sale on GoWesty’s classifieds. Are there any more photos that you could send me. Maybe some of the actual bus you are trying to sell?


Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:07 pm
by locoqueso
The ad has been removed...

It turns out that the seller posted their real contact info. I found their address and even a photo of the seller inside their gallery. Google Maps shows a vanagon parked around the corner but no photos of Tinkerbell.

I sent an email asking for additional photos. I really want to see what this $19,500 bus looks like.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:23 pm
by Amskeptic
locoqueso wrote:The ad has been removed...

It turns out that the seller posted their real contact info. I found their address and even a photo of the seller inside their gallery. Google Maps shows a vanagon parked around the corner but no photos of Tinkerbell.

I sent an email asking for additional photos. I really want to see what this $19,500 bus looks like.
That is soo saaad. People.

Do you think they ever guessed that the real owner would see the picture much less call them out?

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:16 pm
by locoqueso
I did finally receive a few pictures of some other bus but the dirty engine compartment didn't scream Buy Me at $19,500.

That was the first time I've been to in years. I didn't even know that they had classified ads. I imagine my expression looked a little bit like Marsellus Wallace when I realized that I was looking at my own bus.


Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:23 am
by Amskeptic
locoqueso wrote:I imagine my expression looked a little bit like Marsellus Wallace when I realized that I was looking at my own bus.
That is what TwinkerTwit needs to ponder.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:14 pm
by locoqueso
I found another ad using a picture of my bus. This time it's a place in British Columbia that claims to rent a 1979 campmobile named Casper. I left a note on their Facebook page, just in case they weren't aware that Casper didn't pose for the photo.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:43 pm
by Amskeptic
locoqueso wrote:I found another ad using a picture of my bus. This time it's a place in British Columbia that claims to rent a 1979 campmobile named Casper. I left a note on their Facebook page, just in case they weren't aware that Casper didn't pose for the photo.

Do you get the sense that people really like your original Taigagrun?

How polite did you manage to be?

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:43 am
by locoqueso
I can understand their love for the Talgagrun. It makes me smile too. I just don't like the shady way they are using my photo in a commercial ad. If they aren't going to ask my permission, at least be honest and make it clear that the photo isn't of the actual bus for sale/rent.

I think I was as polite as could be expected on their Facebook page...
November 25 at 8:04pm
You are using a copyrighted photo of my 1978 VW Campmobile on your website without my permission. The ad claims it's a picture of "Casper", your 1979 campmobile for rent but it's obviously a photo that was downloaded from my Photobucket account.

Here is a link to my photo on your website:

and here is my original photo: ... ations.jpg

Please remove my photo immediately.

Re: My lovely 1978 vw bus Tinkerbell

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:24 am
by Amskeptic
locoqueso wrote: I think I was as polite as could be expected on their Facebook page...
November 25 at 8:04pm
You are using a copyrighted photo of my 1978 VW Campmobile on your website without my permission. The ad claims it's a picture of "Casper", your 1979 campmobile for rent but it's obviously a photo that was downloaded from my Photobucket account.

Here is a link to my photo on your website:

and here is my original photo: ... ations.jpg

Please remove my photo immediately.
That qualifies as excruciatingly polite and demure . . .

"Dear A**Wipes,
You f**king losers can't be serious, is your c**p so shoddy that you can't even take a f**king picture of your own wares? How pathetic is that? Did YOU get screwed by false advertising when you met your bonobo "date" online, too? NOW YOU'RE PAYING US BACK? Is every instant you have to breathe on Earth so f**king intolerable that you have to scurry behind your cheap LIES like a cockroach??
Get my bus off your bogus site or you WILL be hosting a visit from me at a time of my choosing that will end extremely badly for you. Ya scumsucking lowlife bottom-feeders don't deserve air-cooled Volkswagen karma.
Tony Da Mellow
cc Vito
cc Tiny
cc Squeaky
cc Batzo
cc Scars Dale
cc Plugger da Caps