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Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:04 pm
by wdollie6
Spent the day repairing/fabricating parts and pieces so that passengers side rear could be closed up, unfortunately ran out of shielding gas, will have to wait until tomorrow to finish. Finally making some progress.
Right Side, Partially Welded.jpg
Right Side, Partially Welded.jpg (1.65 MiB) Viewed 48667 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:01 pm
by wdollie6
Spent some time on the Fasty over the last couple of days, finally making some headway. Replaced metal on the badly rusted air intake/drain cover and tacked back in place, had to force fit in a few places. After that spent some time evaluating the drivers side rear area hoping that it was as solid as it looked, nope! Drilled spot welds, chiseled and cut out some pieces so I could access and determine what needed to be fabricated/replaced. In earlier pictures I highlighted the work done on the passenger rear inner fender and the replacement of the rear bumper mount, fortunately the mount was fine on the drivers side however the three layer area behind it was not. It is now! A little more grinding and I will be ready to rust convert and put on first coat of Master Series, followed by seam sealer and second coat. Then the rear area welding is somewhat complete, only thing left it to grind welds on inside and chase pin holes, oh and add a weld patch at the bottom of the spare tire well.
Drivers Side Rear Inner.jpg
Drivers Side Rear Inner.jpg (2.44 MiB) Viewed 48173 times
Air Intake, Water Drain Cover.jpg
Air Intake, Water Drain Cover.jpg (1.49 MiB) Viewed 48173 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:23 pm
by wdollie6
Also rust converted the inside door wells and coated with Master Series, looks great and should last a while. Both drains, front and back, on both doors clear and coated, no water buildup in those doors going forward. Took pictures of the light shining through the drains, interesting view.
Passenger Door, Converted and Coated.jpg
Passenger Door, Converted and Coated.jpg (1.23 MiB) Viewed 48173 times
Drivers Door, Converted and Coated.jpg
Drivers Door, Converted and Coated.jpg (1.72 MiB) Viewed 48173 times
Drivers Door, Converted and Coated 2.jpg
Drivers Door, Converted and Coated 2.jpg (1.52 MiB) Viewed 48173 times
Door Drain.jpg
Door Drain.jpg (1.97 MiB) Viewed 48173 times
Door Drain 2.jpg
Door Drain 2.jpg (1.08 MiB) Viewed 48173 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:53 pm
by wdollie6
Finished up the drivers side rear earlier today, on to the front.
Drivers Side Rear, Final Look.jpg
Drivers Side Rear, Final Look.jpg (1.76 MiB) Viewed 48139 times

Cut out the drivers side headlight section as it had been in an accident, beyond repair (may have to do the same with the passenger side as well). The fit up of the replacement section was challenging to say the least, however by bolting the old fender in place I was able to measure/estimate location of the new piece. Cut it an inch or so long so I could lay the piece over top of the existing, scribe a line, remove and cut, again cut long to ensure I didn't remove to much material. I installed and removed this section probably 10 tens before I was happy with final location so I could tack it in. Also in an effort to get the contour of the body correct placed on old VW jack between the body and fender, using it to slightly expand the vertical seam prior to welding. I think it came out okay, will finish welding tomorrow.
Headlight Section 3.jpg
Headlight Section 3.jpg (1.64 MiB) Viewed 48139 times
Replacement Headlight Section  2.jpg
Replacement Headlight Section 2.jpg (1.62 MiB) Viewed 48139 times
Replacement Driver Front Fender, Headlight Section.jpg
Replacement Driver Front Fender, Headlight Section.jpg (1.66 MiB) Viewed 48139 times
1970 Fastback Status to date. Still a long way to go, the good news is that the repairs on all four inner fender areas are complete. Next step is to finish weld the front fender section and then work on patch in spare tire area, that will be fun, of that I am sure.
70 Fastback Status.jpg
70 Fastback Status.jpg (2.03 MiB) Viewed 48139 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 8:00 pm
by Amskeptic
wdollie6 wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 6:01 pm
Spent some time on the Fasty over the last couple of days, finally making some headway. Replaced metal on the badly rusted air intake/drain cover and tacked back in place, had to force fit in a few places. After that spent some time evaluating the drivers side rear area hoping that it was as solid as it looked, nope! Drilled spot welds, chiseled and cut out some pieces so I could access and determine what needed to be fabricated/replaced. In earlier pictures I highlighted the work done on the passenger rear inner fender and the replacement of the rear bumper mount, fortunately the mount was fine on the drivers side however the three layer area behind it was not. It is now! A little more grinding and I will be ready to rust convert and put on first coat of Master Series, followed by seam sealer and second coat. Then the rear area welding is somewhat complete, only thing left it to grind welds on inside and chase pin holes, oh and add a weld patch at the bottom of the spare tire well.

This has been remarkable to watch.
Do you feel like a proficient body man now? Are you now a welder/artist/alchemist?
That fastback must know it is lucky.
I might be in need of of your services, like ten spot welds across NaranjaWesty's nose.
Colin (in New York in July)
(p.s. 35,000 miles since I stuck on those heads in your garage June 2018)

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 5:46 am
by wdollie6

Definitely not a proficient body man, much less a welder. Barely a capable air cooled VW owner, but working on it. By the way impressed/enjoy the new artwork on the home page, bright, cheery and uplifting, so to speak.

Let me know your time frame in July and if you are going to be in the Delhi neighborhood, look forward to seeing you. My 66 has picked up an annoying hesitation upon start up, have to feather pedal to keep it going, but once its moving at higher RPMs it is fine. Unfortunately I realized, after several years of driving, that I never added a fuel filter, corrected that a few days ago (obviously in the fuel tank area, not near the engine...). May have to pull integrated filter on fuel pump and clean up a bit... hmm does a 66 have a filter on the pump, I know there's one on my Super Beetle.

What happened to Naranja's nose, battle scar? Speaking of the bus, once I am done with the Fastback, 2030 maybe(?), I am going to go back to Fatboy and clean up the mess from the original welder, as it annoys me. May have to remove nose and start over, or not, may just drive him the way it us. Hooked the battery up and Fatboy started on 2 cranks, after sitting the entire winter, impressed. Completed a 15 mile run with no issues, ran great. Now need to figure out the gas smell, no drips anywhere but when its in the garage you can smell, slightly, not overpowering.

Let me know your itinerary!

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 9:05 am
by wdollie6
Started on another job I have been dreading, replacing the metal in the spare tire well. It was coated in a gooey undercoating and access to the area was horrible, not too mention that this was the area that took the brunt of the accident. In addition the shape was somewhat complicated due to the angle and radius of the spare tire insert, not to mention it had a rolled edge. I did the best I could, first pounding out the majority of the dents, then using gasoline to clean out the undercoating, then welded it in. Not pretty but once rust converted, coated, seam sealed and coated a second time should be fine. I purchased the gasket for this area several years ago, hopefully it will still fit.

A question does anyone know if this area had drain holes? I assume it must but they are long gone...

Spare Tire Wheel Well, Rust Cut Out.jpg
Spare Tire Wheel Well, Rust Cut Out.jpg (1.68 MiB) Viewed 48098 times
Spare Tire Wheel Well, Replacement Piece.jpg
Spare Tire Wheel Well, Replacement Piece.jpg (1.7 MiB) Viewed 48098 times
Spare Tire Wheel Well,  First Attempt.jpg
Spare Tire Wheel Well, First Attempt.jpg (1.63 MiB) Viewed 48098 times
Spare Tire Wheel Well, Welded In.jpg
Spare Tire Wheel Well, Welded In.jpg (1.78 MiB) Viewed 48098 times
Spare Tire Well, Installed.jpg
Spare Tire Well, Installed.jpg (1.76 MiB) Viewed 48098 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 5:52 am
by wdollie6
After finishing up spare tire section, moved to the inside to grind the first welds I completed over two years ago. With spring finally hitting full force, time is limited but did finish the drivers side and will finish the other in the next few days. Before rust converting had to chase a bunch of pin holes from the original welds and wire brush/remove the remaining, original undercoating. Pin holes are a pain but hey that's what seam sealer is for... right? After I complete this and the interior front, I will be, finally, metal working the fenders. Most of the repairs/welding on the fenders is complete but still waiting for two patch parts from Joel Mitchell, FEDEX claims they have weather issues in Indiana, huh?

Also started pulling brake pieces and parts trying to determine what I need. I had purchased a brake line kit from ISPWest a few years ago but the hard line lengths are incorrect for some reason, will need to figure this out. New master cylinder is on hand along with all soft hoses, will need to find grommets.

Still torn about pulling body vs. inserting seal sections, where needed along bottom pan and driving (after I finish the brakes of course). All the glass needs to be pulled, then paint, new seals, trim and... a long way to go but making progress.
Driver Rear Interior, Seam Sealer.jpg
Driver Rear Interior, Seam Sealer.jpg (1.73 MiB) Viewed 47917 times
Passenger Rear Interior.jpg
Passenger Rear Interior.jpg (1.81 MiB) Viewed 47917 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 10:43 am
by wdollie6
Additional work on front, passengers side fender, replaced headlight bucket area. Challenging to get everything lined up due to the previous owners accident but did the best I could. Alignment of the hood is going to be difficult, may have to make some additional repairs, probably should have located a new nose, live and learn. Note that the ripples on the fender were uncovered after grinding down the body putty.

Also replaced a section on passenger rear fender, taillight area, due to rust, always more to do.
Front Fender, Corner Repair.jpg
Front Fender, Corner Repair.jpg (2.05 MiB) Viewed 47584 times
Front Fender, Coner Repair 2.jpg
Front Fender, Coner Repair 2.jpg (1.52 MiB) Viewed 47584 times
Rusted Rear Fender Corner, Cutout.jpg
Rusted Rear Fender Corner, Cutout.jpg (1.7 MiB) Viewed 47584 times
Rear Fender Corner Replacement .jpg
Rear Fender Corner Replacement .jpg (2.05 MiB) Viewed 47584 times
Rear Fender Corner Replacement 2.jpg
Rear Fender Corner Replacement 2.jpg (1.81 MiB) Viewed 47584 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 11:20 am
by wdollie6
Just realized I forgot to post the money shot, after weld. The fenders are now mostly ready for bodywork all though still have some small weld repairs along the mounting flanges. Once I remove them will attempt to shot blast the insides to remove coatings and rust, then use paint remover, or wire brush (both maybe?) the outsides to get them down to metal. You can see in the last picture that the alignment looks pretty good, although no adjustments of the doors or fenders have been made at this point.
Passenger Rear Corner Weld 3.jpg
Passenger Rear Corner Weld 3.jpg (1.5 MiB) Viewed 47552 times
Passenger Rear Corner Weld 2.jpg
Passenger Rear Corner Weld 2.jpg (1.66 MiB) Viewed 47552 times
Passenger Rear Corner Weld.jpg
Passenger Rear Corner Weld.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 47552 times

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:41 pm
by Amskeptic
It is looking good. Geeze, I'd like to swing by, but I am so screwed up from this rain up here at the barn. I may be able to do a pass-by July 18th?

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:22 pm
by wdollie6
Strange weather, two + weeks no rain followed by all rain. Flash flood watches almost everyday!

Unfortunately I will be RV camping for the next several weeks (although frankly would rather be working on my VWs), Gettysburg PA, followed by a trip to the Thousand Islands area.

Too bad I'll miss you because my 66 beetle has developed an awkward hesitation which is getting worse. I removed the carb and cleaned it, quickly, but appears I will have to go deeper. Ordered a rebuild kit so when I get back will pull the carb again and dig in. To me feels like an accelerator pump issue but could be the fuel pump as well. Have already checked the float valve and float, all okay with those. Because everything worked great on the 66 when we finished the car I did nothing to the carb, other than tune up adjustments (I think you tweaked it last time you were in Delhi as it was running lean). Nothing done on the fuel pump but have had no issues, if I find a problem I believe it is re-buildable as it is the original, has the metal filter built in to the pump.

Are you heading South after your visit to NY?

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:57 pm
by Amskeptic
wdollie6 wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:22 pm
Strange weather, two + weeks no rain followed by all rain. Flash flood watches almost everyday!

Unfortunately I will be RV camping for the next several weeks (although frankly would rather be working on my VWs), Gettysburg PA, followed by a trip to the Thousand Islands area.

Too bad I'll miss you because my 66 beetle has developed an awkward hesitation which is getting worse. I removed the carb and cleaned it, quickly, but appears I will have to go deeper. Ordered a rebuild kit so when I get back will pull the carb again and dig in. To me feels like an accelerator pump issue but could be the fuel pump as well. Have already checked the float valve and float, all okay with those. Because everything worked great on the 66 when we finished the car I did nothing to the carb, other than tune up adjustments (I think you tweaked it last time you were in Delhi as it was running lean). Nothing done on the fuel pump but have had no issues, if I find a problem I believe it is re-buildable as it is the original, has the metal filter built in to the pump.

Are you heading South after your visit to NY?
Phhooey. Actually, I may be doing a little lap of NY, VT, CT, NJ, then heading back out to Rochester for another go with my Squareback, Lincoln, and Mercedes ...



Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:09 am
by wdollie6
Colin, you just had to post your Squareback pictures, pristine in all areas!

Re: New Owner, 70' Fasty

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:07 am
by Amskeptic
wdollie6 wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:09 am
Colin, you just had to post your Squareback pictures, pristine in all areas!

Sorry! Here's my daily driver:
Yugo.JPG (21.14 KiB) Viewed 44006 times