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Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:16 pm
by Gypsie
Bookwus wrote:And it's looking like I will not be at the Lab tonight, so we need to be thinking about how to get those parts to you.

Bummed you won't make it. Gonna be a big crowd and Chitwn is buying.... :pirate:

We'll figger out the part swap when it is meant to happen.

Give me a call if'n your coming to this side of the world and we can do the surreptitious 'meet on the corner, "Hey buddy wanna buy some heat riser footing tin? Real cheap. Good quality", run if we see the fuzz" type thing.

That air filter is working like a charm.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:26 pm
by Bookwus
Hiya Stephan,
Gypsie wrote:......Bummed you won't make it. Gonna be a big crowd and Chitwn is buying....
We have a couple of health issues going on here. The wife is grounded with an arthritic knee and I lost one of my hearing aids yesterday. So, we are not in the best of shape out thisaway.
We'll figger out the part swap when it is meant to happen.
Give me a call if'n your coming to this side of the world and we can do the surreptitious 'meet on the corner, "Hey buddy wanna buy some heat riser footing tin? Real cheap. Good quality", run if we see the fuzz" type thing.
I'm relegated to using e-mail for the time being. No hearing aid means I'm just about useless on the phone.
That air filter is working like a charm.
And that is outbleepingstanding!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:33 pm
by Gypsie
Hope all improves in the health department.

My wife started having Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms and was able to help with a diet change. (pretty drastic change-No nightshades (tomatoes, pootatoes and many other common foods), Wheat, or Dairy. Yikes)

After a year of this diet the joint pain had receded to next to nothing and most of the food restrictions are gone though still reduced in some areas).

I digress...

Sending get well vibes yer way.