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The Calling

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:51 pm
by steve74baywin
Here is a vid I think is good.
I will post the creators description of it from the youtube page.

"Uploaded by aodscarecrow on Apr 3, 2009

In March 2009 I was approached to create a combined and summarized version of "The Big Picture", "Fight the NWO With Global Non Compliance" and "NWO The Final Solution."

The aim was to condense all 3 films into a one hour solution based production that would appeal to a wider audience and be suitable for television.

This film is the result.

Along with some new material this film contains 2 complete chapters of "The Big Picture - Final Cut" that remain virtually unchanged. This has not been done to 'recycle' old material but simply because the information contained within these chapters was relevant and needed to be included.

Should some people you know still remain blind to the urgency of the world situation and to their need to be informed and to act upon such information, it is my sincere hope that this film may help you to open their eyes.

Re: The Calling

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:07 am
by ruckman101
Well that explains a lot. All my boogeymen were there. Right meets Left. Loved the "copywrite" disclaimer. Might use it in the workshops I teach, despite the spelling errors, when copyright questions come up.

Nice follow-up to the four banger Century of Self series. Touched my buttons.

Outlandish claims, basically backed by encouragement to "look it up yourself if you don't believe me". The bloodline claim at the beginning a good example. Along with the undersea homes and real food seed stock. I've been using Mars as the elite retreat. Silly me.

I think you've offered citation that answers the question of who the elites are.

Great use of archival footage as a counterpoint to the voice over presentation. The soundtrack was a bit heavy handed with ominousness, and sometimes the narrator's voice sounded computer generated, which was a bit disconcerting.


Re: The Calling

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:01 am
by steve74baywin
ruckman101 wrote:All my boogeymen were there. Right meets Left.
Outlandish claims, basically backed by encouragement to "look it up yourself if you don't believe me". The bloodline claim at the beginning a good example. Along with the undersea homes and real food seed stock. I've been using Mars as the elite retreat. Silly me.

I think you've offered citation that answers the question of who the elites are.

It probably is better suited for someone who has already been on the trail for a while.
I don't need the fine details of the bloodline and secret society connection layed out. How exact or precise is irrelevant, part of what is known is enough.
I like the fear vs love parts a lot. I think it can be broken down into those two camps. I like the science, quantum physics, spiritual, energy leaps, I say leaps because this is when it is a grand idea that on one scale seems very hocus pocus and out there, but in another sense it is the most obvious and simplistic idea and solution.
Also, all the encouragement to wake up and look for yourselves in one sense is good, on another note it is implying many are not awake and need to re evaluate reality. That can turn many people off.
I have seen all four (if there is only 4) of his vids.
I would rate them very high.