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Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:04 pm
by BellePlaine
What do you think of Cain's 999 plan? I like that it is simple and removes deductions/special favors.

These are the benefits from Herman Cain's website:
•Removes all payroll taxes and unites all tax payers
•Provides the least incentive to evade taxes and the fewest opportunities to do so
•Lifts a $430 billion dead-weight burden on the economy due to compliance, enforcement, collection, etc…
•Is fair, simple, efficient, neutral, and transparent
•Ends nearly all deductions and special interest favors
•Features zero tax on capital gains and repatriated profits
•Exports leave our shores without the Business Tax or the Sales Tax embedded in their cost, making them world class competitive. Imports are subject to the same taxation as domestically produced goods, leveling the playing field.
•Lowest marginal rates on production
•Kills the Death Tax
•Allows immediate expensing of business investments
•Eliminates double taxation of dividends
•Increases capital formation which aids capital availability for small businesses
•Increased capital per worker drives productivity and wage growth
•Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to renew our inner cities
•The pro-growth, pro-job, pro-export economic policies of the 9-9-9 PLAN equals a strong dollar policy

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:37 pm
by ruckman101
Wacked. ... erman-cain

I'll wager the 999 plan came out of the American Legislative Exchange Council, filtered through the Heritage Foundation. Koch Brothers are still hard at work and have a new front guy in Cain. Of course it isn't just the Koch Brothers, it's a wet dream for all corporations and the elite one percenters.

More class warfare against the 99 percent.


Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:24 pm
by yondermtn
Way too simple. I like a very complicated tax code.

Accountant :silent:

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:05 pm
by BellePlaine
Wouldn't GE pay more/something in taxes under this plan?

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:26 pm
by RSorak 71Westy
I dont like this idea at all. Under the current system I paid like $20 in fed income tax the past 2 years. Here in TN there is a 9% sales tax all ready so with Herman idea I'd get to pay 18%, NO THANKS.

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:23 pm
by Sylvester
Never happen. If he gets elected president he will never get this off the ground, period. If he gets in, those in Congress will never let this fly, and pound it into nothing but the hot air it is right now. Whatever gets you in the door.

A car in every garage, a chicken in every pot.

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:42 pm
by Velokid1
I don't even get to the part that explains what happens to the wealthy elite because I get hung up on the part where I will have to pay more taxes. If I made more than I needed to live, I would begin to think about accepting a higher tax rate. But my wife and I work our tails off night and day to barely make ends meet each month. Family vacations are out of the question. Feeding our kids the foods we'd like to feed them, a pipe dream. We are both dedicated, hard working and intelligent with college degrees, and yet we struggle every month. Don't get me wrong, I feel blessed that we have what we need... food, shelter, clothing, transportation. But until I'm seeing enough surplus income each month to actually tuck away a few hundred bucks so we have some sort of savings, no plan to raise taxes on the lower middle class is going to get my support. We'd be eating ramen noodles and oatmeal if we took home any less pay.

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:17 pm
by Westy78
Is anyone really taking this goofball seriously? Hell, any of these politicians, left or right seriously?

Disillusioned American ... 08952.html

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:08 pm
by Velokid1
Nah, Cain has no chance. I believe the majority of Americans are still lukewarm Obama supporters and will only shift their support if it's another person who seems to be a sure bet for improving the economy significantly and quickly. People will always choose a current hell they're familiar with over a new hell that they have no idea what it'll look like.

Horrible grammar but I'm too tired from work to construct better sentences.

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:34 pm
by BellePlaine
Would it stymie corporate cronyism? A simple flat business tax without deductions.

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:43 pm
by RussellK
It doesn't really have anything to do with the op and maybe I'm reading too much into it but I might have a problem with anyone and particularly a black man that would try to draw a parallel between paying taxes and the chains of slavery. And to go as far as using the words of Dr King to make his point? Has Cain no shame?

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:59 pm
by Hippie
Westy78 wrote:Is anyone really taking this goofball seriously? Hell, any of these politicians, left or right seriously?

Disillusioned American

I especially hate Cain's ideas. Ever since he interpreted the Occupy (fill in where) people's legitimate corporate greed complaints as being unfair to people who have "done well" or "succeeded" or some such shit.
Herman Cain gags me. :angryfire:

Re: 999

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:56 pm
by dingo
yeah Cain is a bit on the stoopid side. meet the Press asked him' how do you expect this large chunk of the population who already have no money to pay 9% more tax' and he just responded with garbled rhetoric. Question was repeated and he garbled again.

he definately makes me gag. Tho Obama makes me gag much worse for claiming that nothing illegal was done by the bankers who brought on the crash. I still cant beleive he said that

Re: 999

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:00 am
by RussellK
BellePlaine wrote:Would it stymie corporate cronyism? A simple flat business tax without deductions.
Chris do I understand your meaning of corporate cronyism as corporations buying legislative favoritism? In that respect I'd have to say a flat tax might not be that significant. I think corporations complain a lot more loudly about regulations than taxes so they'll still want to have legislators in their pockets.

Re: 999

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:11 am
by BellePlaine
RussellK wrote:
BellePlaine wrote:Would it stymie corporate cronyism? A simple flat business tax without deductions.
Chris do I understand your meaning of corporate cronyism as corporations buying legislative favoritism? In that respect I'd have to say a flat tax might not be that significant. I think corporations complain a lot more loudly about regulations than taxes so they'll still want to have legislators in their pockets.
I'm wondering if there were no corporate deductions (yes, I see that his plan gives deductions to "business investments" which is vague) but if there were less deductions/loop holes I wonder if big business would not be likely able to write legislation benefiting themselves while making it hard on start-up competition. So, in Cain's plan, it's not the flat tax that is as nice as much as it is the limited deductions. Isn't that how GE got away without paying anything in federal income tax?