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Re: Booted from Wal Mart, I don't know why.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:20 pm
by RussellK
Chris I think you may have missed my point. Running to the manager because a lady dressed funny or gave the stinkeye? Cmon you've got to be kidding. My point is we've become a nation of petty crybabies. All we do is complain. Wahh! Some guy parked on the street in front of my house. Now I have to walk another 15 yards Wahhh! Panera did'nt give me my pickle with my sandwich. Wahh! lunch is ruined Wahhh The teacher wouldn't let my daughter sharpen her pencil when she wanted to Wahhh! I better call the Principle Wahhh! My Tommy didn't bat fourth last night Wahhh! I'm calling the coach. Wahh! That lady doesn't look normal. She sneered at me Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!

Re: Booted from Wal Mart, I don't know why.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:43 pm
by airkooledchris
"Hardie said customers complained and McMillin verbally abused people in the store. But Hardie said McMillin was was never escorted outside."

your basing your point on something that was probably not the case, in that it was *solely* based on the fact that she dressed funny.
nobody other than the person bitching about it claims that to be the case.

our nation is turning people like THAT into a bunch of petty crybabies.

oh no, you probably asked some 5 year old kid "what the F are you looking at?" and was confronted by a store manager?
go call your local news and see if you can make a big stink about it.

the only crybabies here were Mean Gene's Sour Creme seeking sisters.

Re: Booted from Wal Mart, I don't know why.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:59 pm
by RussellK
airkooledchris wrote: oh no, you probably asked some 5 year old kid "what the F are you looking at?" and was confronted by a store manager?
go call your local news and see if you can make a big stink about it.
Yeah that's me alright. As I thought you've missed my point. Entirely. It's action - reaction. We all make personal decisions daily on how we react. When whoever complained to management, they became ensnared in the drama of the moment. Essentially the sisters problem became theirs. In the grand scheme how important was it? More broadly, daily we get caught up in drama. The burgers came cold, the guy that butted in line, the slow elderly lady with the walker we got caught behind, the perceived unfairness of it all. We whine, we complain and we wail. It's pettiness and its not healthy.

Re: Booted from Wal Mart, I don't know why.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:13 pm
by Amskeptic
airkooledchris wrote:the facts are more disturbing than our generalizations used to be.