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Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:33 am
by Bleyseng
Actually my brother-in-law who was there too later told me he is sick of hearing about this guy's hard life living in 5 stars hotels and not being happy with his tiny nit picky problems. He agreed maybe punching him would be a "eye opener" as his life is spent traveling mostly while his businesses rake in money from us poor workers/takers who buy his rip off cell phone plans. At one dinner we had to listen to his problem this winter of his driveway heater not keeping the snow/ice off well enough so he couldn't drive his Ferrari to work.
What is the world coming too as that is a problem??


Good news is I sold the Isuzu D-max truck for my asking price and starting to get ready to pack to leave to head back. Wish I could have brought that truck back to Seattle with me. Turbo Diesel 160hp 4x4 double cab which gets 25mpg city and over 30 highway..

Political thoughts- What the hell is with this Supreme Court as it blatantly is supporting the 1% in every decision? Prayer in Government? Next is groupprayer at restaurants and if you don't pray they don't have to serve you.....

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:31 am
by Lanval
Bleyseng wrote:Actually my brother-in-law who was there too later told me he is sick of hearing about this guy's hard life living in 5 stars hotels and not being happy with his tiny nit picky problems. He agreed maybe punching him would be a "eye opener" as his life is spent traveling mostly while his businesses rake in money from us poor workers/takers who buy his rip off cell phone plans. At one dinner we had to listen to his problem this winter of his driveway heater not keeping the snow/ice off well enough so he couldn't drive his Ferrari to work.
What is the world coming too as that is a problem??


Good news is I sold the Isuzu D-max truck for my asking price and starting to get ready to pack to leave to head back. Wish I could have brought that truck back to Seattle with me. Turbo Diesel 160hp 4x4 double cab which gets 25mpg city and over 30 highway..

Political thoughts- What the hell is with this Supreme Court as it blatantly is supporting the 1% in every decision? Prayer in Government? Next is groupprayer at restaurants and if you don't pray they don't have to serve you.....
In the end, the rich will get one of two things:

1. The country they deserve ~ all the reasonable, non-religious, middle-class and lower-class people will be driven down or off, leaving behind a sycophantic group of fiscally conservative Christian extremists. Good for them; I cherish my birthright, but will, in the end, give it up if necessary.

2. The sharp of edge of justice. Revolution won't be pretty, but the Hunger Games types who think the rich will win that battle aren't paying attention to history. I'm not saying the outcome will be great (Soviet Union for example) but the wealthy won't live to see their predictions come true.


Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:29 pm
by Amskeptic
Lanval wrote:The sharp of edge of justice. Revolution won't be pretty, but the Hunger Games types who think the rich will win that battle aren't paying attention to history. I'm not saying the outcome will be great (Soviet Union for example) but the wealthy won't live to see their predictions come true.
I have great hope for evolution in our coming generations. They seem not so smitten by useless senseless greed.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:53 am
by Bleyseng
I have great hope in the upcoming elections that the Dems can take back the House. Now that Obamacare is a success in spite of GOP efforts to sabotage it swing voters can vote out the GOP so the county can move forward.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:48 am
by Amskeptic
Bleyseng wrote:I have great hope in the upcoming elections that the Dems can take back the House. Now that Obamacare is a success in spite of GOP efforts to sabotage it swing voters can vote out the GOP so the county can move forward.
I have great hope that American voters can see through the Republican nay-saying negativity, but I am in Georgia this morning, and they pump Fox News through the monitors at the gas station (!) Fox News at the McDonalds coffee stop, Fox News on the telly. It is grotesque, the echoing sneers of negativity towards all things Obama.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:21 am
by Bleyseng
Well, it's the South what do you expect. Atleast in Miami it's in Spanish so I don't have to understand it....Lot's of hate speech here to in Suriname but it's in Dutch so it's easy to turn off. Why does Hate speech sell so well everywhere???

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:14 am
by Westy78
I find it entertaining that people still think that either party has the best interests of the citizens of this country as a priority. Different puppets same puppeteer. Why yes, yes I am sick of this government and their stupid games.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 11:10 am
by Bleyseng
I go with the party that's not blatantly stuffing its pockets with money for policy from the Rich. Both do it but please keep it under the table and have a heart for us poor typical Joe's. Toss us a bone every once and awhile and stop arguing about the issues and do something!

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:56 pm
by Amskeptic
Westy78 wrote:I am sick of this government and their stupid games.
I am sick only of the self-centered people who happen to be in this government for their own ends. The government itself, not a problem.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:57 pm
by Westy78
Amskeptic wrote:
Westy78 wrote:I am sick of this government and their stupid games.
I am sick only of the self-centered people who happen to be in this government for their own ends. The government itself, not a problem.

But a government that only allows two parties to legitimately run when they are basically the same is neither fair nor balanced. Yes it looks like third parties can run but they are so quickly marginalized that they don't really have a fair chance of ever being elected.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:20 am
by Bleyseng
Westy78 wrote:
Amskeptic wrote:
Westy78 wrote:I am sick of this government and their stupid games.
I am sick only of the self-centered people who happen to be in this government for their own ends. The government itself, not a problem.

But a government that only allows two parties to legitimately run when they are basically the same is neither fair nor balanced. Yes it looks like third parties can run but they are so quickly marginalized that they don't really have a fair chance of ever being elected.
With today's Pac's and special interest group's pouring money into elections it will take someone like Ross Perot to fund a third party. It's easier and cheaper to spread that money around to "buy" Senators and Congressmen than to form a third party. That's why all these smaller elections coming up are really important as "big money" is buying your local representatives.

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:50 am
by Amskeptic
Westy78 wrote: But a government that only allows two parties to legitimately run when they are basically the same is neither fair nor balanced. Yes it looks like third parties can run but they are so quickly marginalized that they don't really have a fair chance of ever being elected.
That is not our government. I take pains to separate the people from the offices.
*People* have rigged the rules. Our Constitution does not make any distinctions about the number of parties. People have loaded up our system with their self-centered little perks and their cowardly attempts to thwart their opposition. And some people running for government office even run on how much they hate the government.
Me? You looking at me? What am I doing here? Oh yeah, well, I am a vegetarian fox, no really, I am in the henhouse here to um check the rafters . . . . just making sure the hens are safe.
Colin :blackeye:

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:27 am
by Randy in Maine
I went to the Kennedy Presidential Library for the first time last weekend and saw this quote that I thought was pretty good....

"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
John F. Kennedy

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 7:12 am
by Amskeptic
Randy in Maine wrote:I went to the Kennedy Presidential Library for the first time last weekend and saw this quote that I thought was pretty good....

"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
John F. Kennedy
Now, make the rich understand this.
Colin :pale:

Re: The French Aristocracy Didn't See It Coming Either

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:09 pm
by Spezialist
Westy78 wrote:I find it entertaining that people still think that either party has the best interests of the citizens of this country as a priority. Different puppets same puppeteer. Why yes, yes I am sick of this government and their stupid games.
I would rather drive *Prius working for change (Dems) than a muscle car belching flames (repugs), don't get me started on the spaceship tea party.
* I used Prius instead of a cool ACVW because I admit there is **green washing on the dem side.
** Green washing has got be better than Red Washing.
Cynic malfunctionality be damned.