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Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:51 pm
by ruckman101
Romney's hitting me as the sanest of the frightenly extremist options. The least likely to implode.

I dunno pj.


Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:18 pm
by Amskeptic
pj wrote: Yeah if it wasn't for those damn fool Americans who are too stupid to realize all the good things the dear leader had planned for us, just think where we could be? Everyday that goes by is just one day closer to Mr Obama joining the millions of his fellow citizens drawing unemployment in 2013.
He was elected with a healthy majority. Your fellow Americans selected his platform as the better choice. The opposition party, however, had other ideas. Our fickle electorate is still restlessly looking for quick fixes.

I do not think Obama is going to get thrown out of office, particularly if he grows a pair.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:05 pm
by Velokid1
At least there's entertainment value in the fact that there are people out there trying to rip apart Obama while they promote as a potential President of the US some of the least sane, least capable people on the planet. Criticizing Obama and then rooting for men and women like Romney, or Bachmann, or Cain is like ripping the job Andy was doing as sheriff while lobbying to have Barney take over the department. It's good for both chuckles and tears, like any good television.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:16 am
by BellePlaine
I've heard it mentioned on talk radio and then again on today's Today program that if a republican voter's number one issue is security/war on terrorism then they should think hard about voting for Obama.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:20 am
by BellePlaine
Amskeptic wrote:
pj wrote: Yeah if it wasn't for those damn fool Americans who are too stupid to realize all the good things the dear leader had planned for us, just think where we could be? Everyday that goes by is just one day closer to Mr Obama joining the millions of his fellow citizens drawing unemployment in 2013.
He was elected with a healthy majority. Your fellow Americans selected his platform as the better choice.
I think Obama got a lot of anti-Bush votes.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:31 am
by RussellK
I think he got a bump but look at the amount of money he was able to raise and how. Lots of small donors. I don't think those were from the anti-bush camp.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:07 pm
by jimbear
Slo'bama got the votes, granted many were Bush backlashers, but isn't America ALWAYS ready for another Dem after 8 years of the others in office? How do we always forget what life is like under republican presidents????? I will say that when the Reagan recession hit in the 80's I experienced it full force when my pop lost his business and was enemployed for 1/2 a year...I still take that personally..those tax cuts did not help us either and tossed the economy into a tail spin, freaking movie stars! And what is with the modern republicans and war...WAR...?...people die!! Look what the recent wars have ACTUALLY done to our economy...made the elite echelon (many Republicans--Cheny!!) mega rich and screwed the common man. Wars have not been good for the US economy since WWII yet we keep on go repubes...

As I get more and more pessimistic and agrivated I keep coming back to this idea that Colin put out there...
Amskeptic wrote:Our fickle electorate is still restlessly looking for quick fixes.
There is much truth in this, especially the 'fickle' and 'quick fixes' parts. It really is a scary notion that we are not willing to look at the real issues as a whole nation...we overspend on the macro and micro levels--debt and credit 'beyond our means nightmare- and we are national suckers for immediate gratification and denial.

This is to frustrating to go on with... :pukeright:

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:27 pm
by Amskeptic
jimbear wrote:
Amskeptic wrote:Our fickle electorate is still restlessly looking for quick fixes.

This is too frustrating to go on with... :pukeright:
There you have it. A fickle American.
(breathe and do what you have to do)
(like I had to drop my engine twice in 36 hours)

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:57 am
by steve74baywin
Yes, quick fixes, quick comments, etc, etc. People need to look, and keep looking till they found the errors and reasons for these errors.
Government made bigger than it should be with power to turn over our money system to international private banksters who run and and own the Federal Reserve Bank, this is a big one. Life could be very tough after ending the great money lender for the nation, probably why most people still beg the masters for better treatment instead of tossing them out on the street.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:11 am
by Sylvester
I got to see Herman Cain yesterday at a football game in Alabama. It was weird to see him there, is is a small school in Birmingham. He did capture a lot of attention there, I went by him but did not get a picture (yeah and I am always saying pictures), and did not shake his hand but could have.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:14 pm
by Velokid1
I can already hear the closet racists telling their friends over a Denny's breakfast " screw that- we already tried letting a black be President and it didn't work out. Never again.". Even if Cain weren't looney, he'd have very little chance.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:39 am
by Amskeptic
Velokid1 wrote:I can already hear the closet racists telling their friends over a Denny's breakfast " screw that- we already tried letting a black be President and it didn't work out. Never again.". Even if Cain weren't looney, he'd have very little chance.
I am hoping that there is some sort of self-correction sense in us voters, where we have that nagging intuition that tells us to avoid the shallow and the specious.
Colin :flower:

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:35 am
by glasseye
Amskeptic wrote: I do not think Obama is going to get thrown out of office, particularly if he grows a pair.
Which growth, I submit, is unlikely to occur.

As my fellow Canadian Brad said "He sold his soul to the devil".

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:24 pm
by Spezialist
Velokid1 wrote:I can already hear the closet racists telling their friends over a Denny's breakfast " screw that- we already tried letting a black be President and it didn't work out. Never again.". Even if Cain weren't looney, he'd have very little chance.
Two points I'd like to make regarding this.
My experience with ultra right wingers " deep south fundies" They consider liberal democrats " secular humanists" spawn of satan < No sarcasm Intended>

Herman Cain was falsely accused of sexual harassment by two women, and his company gave those two women money.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:56 pm
by ruckman101
So in an effort to bolster the credibility of his "no abortions, no exceptions" position, Cain reminds the red-meat hungry with the old saw that birth control is a plot of genocide against people of color. I wonder how that's going to fly?

I've never met a secular humanist I didn't like.
