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Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:56 am
by ruckman101
Didn't want to be accused of cherry picking, so posted the entire hearing verbatim. Grand theater. Walker sure is a one note singer. Vermont sounds like it reached a healthier resolution to similar issues by basically collective bargaining.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:45 pm
by turk
Cherry pick. Please! I watched some of it and let's be straight arrow: Walker didn't have to go to the question / answer panel. He did of his own accord. The other guy seemed like he had some bones to pick about "collective bargaining rights", and Kucinich made a totally hostile show, and didn't thank the person who put it together, but had to be reminded. The other guy I saw was hostile too. Ya' know the one who said : "keep making Maple Syrup" to the Vermont Guv. (it is a metaphor for negotiating with unions for those unfamiliar - vinegar was the opposite metaphor). Meanwhile, Walker sat there answering all their questions and even joked around and smiled. So, I don't see the spanking at all. Witchhunt is a word I would definitely use on the side of all these people with their questions of Walker. Did he not answer them? :-)

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:45 pm
by ruckman101
Uhyep, Walker stuck to his one note script, but he was forced to admit under oath his efforts to knee-cap unions had nothing to do with budget concerns.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:42 pm
by turk
I saw that. After the hour mark, when Kucinich got his 5 minutes to grill Walker. Problem is the question was if "bargaining rights, or the biannual re-certification of unions, or automatic union dues deductions" have anything to do with the budget deficit (of 2011 presumably). I could answer the question myself: no, but they have everything to do with the long-term solvency of the state's and municipalities' budgets in the future. That's how big unionized states like Illinois are facing their insolvent credit ratings in the future right now: underfunded pension funds promised by the greaser politicians with tax-payer money but no realistic ways to actually fund them. Is it the unions' fault? No all of it, but surely a lot of it. It's a quandary. It will take tough choices for the states. Or they will have to declare bankruptcy and hope for another federal bailout. That won't work either. Has it worked yet?

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:51 pm
by ruckman101
I hear the same note Walker sings, right on script. Walker stated bankruptcy for the state isn't an option. The Vermont model is better. Cooperation rather than attack.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:00 pm
by turk
Whatever. I'm only observing. This is a "one note" debate to your ears apparently. I hear the subtler, quiet notes no one wants to hear. Except perhaps the voters in Wisconsin. They didn't all buy into the hoopla either I suspect.

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:48 pm
by ruckman101
"Report: Walker to Propose Emergency Management Bill
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is reportedly preparing a new effort to further weaken the public sector in his state. According to Forbes magazine, Walker’s camp is drafting legislation that would allow for a takeover of local municipalities that fail a financial stress test. Walker could then appoint emergency managers empowered to cancel union contracts, dismiss elected officials and school board members, and take control of entire cities and towns. Walker would also have unchecked authority to cancel government services, including safety net assistance. A high-powered Wisconsin law firm is said to be drafting the plan. The plan would mirror a law enacted in Michigan last month."

Busy busy.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:13 pm
by ruckman101

What a piece of work Walker is.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:04 am
by airkooledchris
ruckman101 wrote:
What a piece of **** Walker is.
fixed it for ya :blackeye:

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:36 pm
by ruckman101
Thanks Chris.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:32 pm
by ruckman101
Here's a sane take on things.


Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:02 am
by turk
What's new in the take? Same old same old, and throw in some vitriol for a cute little kick. Just another partisan opinion with no new perspectives to consider.

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:20 am
by steve74baywin
ruckman101 wrote:Here's a sane take on things.


Yeah, some good points, but I see it as part of the same ole stuff.
These things can never be done right or figured out and made right without major changes.
Years back Colin said to me a few times about not tearing down the whole thing like it seemed I was suggesting, well, the thing is when the system is a wrong on top of a wrong, and another wrong to help the other wrongs, and then a few more wrongs, it will never get fixed.
The problem starts with force and violence, and then builds upon that where people have ideas and suggest more force and violence to fix it. What do I mean, well, first they force money out of people to make the schools, then they force kids to go to them, then they attempt to force people to join a group that hopes to force those who pay to do what they want, etc, etc. EVERYONE IS not GOING TO THINK AND WANT the same things, hence people won't be happy. These things would not be an issue if it wasn't for the "forcing".
BUT OMG Steve, what your suggesting is nuts, to not have guns pointed at people to force them to educate the kids forced to go to school is just plain wacko, how could life going, we would wither, die, starve, who knows what would happen.

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:29 pm
by yondermtn ... 4184.story

I'm not sure that this is the best approach, but sounds like some people do.

Re: Wisconsin Protests

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:37 pm
by airkooledchris
yondermtn wrote: ... 4184.story

I'm not sure that this is the best approach, but sounds like some people do.
It kills me that Johnsonville brats are on that list, but ill finish my pack of Sweet Italian's tonight and keep them off the grocery list until further notice.

This is in addition to Georgia-Pacific paper and pulp company, maker of "Brawny" paper towels, "Angel Soft" toilet paper, "Mardi Gras" napkins and towels, "Quilted Northern" toilet paper and paper towels, "Dixie" paper plates, bowls, napkins and cups, "Sparkle" paper towels, and "Vanity Fair" paper napkins, bowls, plates and tablecloths - which is owned directly by the Koch Inc.